Hindi Divas

Hindi Divas is an annual day celebrated on September 14, in Hindi speaking regions of India. This is a government sponsored event celebrated mostly in Central Government Offices, Firms, Schools and other Institutions. This day is celebrated to promote and celebrate the rich heritage of the Hindi language. It is celebrated by organizing feasts, events, competitions and other services. The event also serves as a patriotic reminder to Hindi-speaking populations of their common roots and unity.

The Hindi language in India has a big history which belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. After being an independent country, the Government of India made a goal to standardize the mother tongue means the Hindi language with the grammar and orthography. Devanagari script is used to bring uniformity in writing. It is spoken in many countries of the world including Mauritius, Pakistan, Surinam, Trinidad and some other countries. It is the language spoken as a mother tongue by around 258 million people and known as the 4th largest language of the world.

Hindi is spoken as a native language by the majority of Indian Population. Hindi Divas is celebrated on September 14 because on this day in 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India had adopted Hindi written in Devanagari script as the official language of the Republic of India. The decision was however ratified by the Constitution of India with effect from January 26, 1950. Now there are 22 Scheduled languages of India and 2 languages are officially used at Union government level, Hindi and English.

On this day each year, the President of India confers awards in different categories for the excellence in different fields pertaining to Hindi at a function in Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi, and Rajbhasha Awards are conferred upon different Ministries, Departments, PSUs and Nationalised Banks.

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