2017 IGNITE Award Intelligent sun glasses for blind Mosquito net with mild electric shock Nail polish which indicates drugs alcohol in drinks to prevent molestation Note sterilizing machine in ATM Pothole detector in flooded condition Saving water through usage monitor School bag with foldable wheeled legs to distribute load School bag with foldable wheeled legs to distribute load Smart device for rag picking Smart wrist band for elderly Solar wetland leveller and trimmer Speed indicator on the backside of vehicles Stapler for buttons Washing machine which uses recycled soap water Watch with button for pungent spray on bullies Wearable indicator to ensure body hydration Attachment on drill machine to gather metal chips Bicycle powered by compressed air Brush and other devices for archaeological studies Combined wood cutting and finishing system Detection system in vehicles for speed breakers much in advance Device to assist blind people board bus Dust collecting attachment for drill machine Expiry date stamping on eggs Foot operated tea making table for differently abled people Guiding system for Alzheimer patient if they get lost Improved device for cleaning and fluffing cotton Mobile App for Ambulance aggregation