Detection system in vehicles for speed breakers much in advance

Name : Iqrar Ahmad Dev4343Iqrar-Rashid-Dev

District & State :  Badgam, Jammu & Kashmir

Award :   ignite

Award Function :   IGNITE 2017 Awards

Award Year : 2017

Innovation Description

20_detection-system-in-vehiIqrar realised that sometimes vehicle drivers may not be aware of a speed breaker especially if white stripes are not painted on it. As a result mishaps may occur. The situation may be more problematic if an ambulance driver fails to recognise a speed breaker and jumps over it. To solve this, Iqrar has suggested a device that can identify the presence of a speed breaker ahead from a few meters and alert the driver.

Eldest of four siblings, Iqrar has an interest in electronics and wants to become a scientist. He is good in academics and mentions that the level of concentration during studies matters more than the duration of the study.

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