Herbal medication for the retention of placenta in animals

Name : Shravak Karshanbhai Govindbhai957117_innovator

District & State :  Banas Kantha, Gujarat

Category : Agricultural (General)

Award :   National

Award Function :   9th National Grassroots Innovation Awards

Award Year : 2017

Innovator Profile

Karshanbhai (67), a farmer, animal care taker and an expert herbal healer, has developed a very effective cure for treating retention of placenta, a common health problem affecting cattle.

Born in a farming family, Karshanbhai could only study up to class second due to financial conditions at home. As a result of the members of the family had to contribute in farming activities. His father also had good knowledge of herbs and their use in treating animals. His initiation in herbal healing was thus due to his father, and with time his interest in herbal medicines grew. He now lives with his wife, Khemiben, three sons and their families. All the sons are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. The family jointly owns about nine acres of land and some cattle. Their region is a dry one and irrigation facility is not available for water intensive crops, and they are dependent on canal irrigation. For this reason, the farmers grow crops like bajri, joar, raydo, wheat and arando etc. Karshanbhai has been practising herbal healing for the last twenty years. People from his village and nearby regions visit him often for consultations, especially for animals. He has been leading the efforts to maintain the village goshala for the last nineteen years.


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