Name : Navjot Kaur
District & State : Chandigarh, Punjab
Award : Class 11th – 12th
Award Function : IGNITE 2015 Awards
Award Year : 2015
Innovation Description
IPR Status
A large number of people, especially the old, who are prescribed medication, forget to take it them on time. Two students—Navjot and Vaishnavi—have individually suggested the idea of a watch, which can store and timely deliver the appropriate dose of medicine to the person.
Navjot came up with the idea after seeing her friend, who suffers from asthma, forget her inhaler. The friend was in great distress after she got an attack and had forgotten to carry the inhaler that facilitates easy breathing.
“It was at that moment that I promised myself to work towards something that will make life easier for asthma patients. I kept thinking and came up with the idea of a wrist watch that will help patients carry their medications and remind them to have have it on time,” says Navjot, who is fascinated by chemistry and aspires to become a research analyst.
“Chemistry has a huge unexplored area and if I get the right opportunity, I would like tofulfil my passion for creating things, which would make life easier for everyone. I would concentrate on everyday problems and will try my best to find innovative and creative solutions,” says Navjot.
The daughter of a serviceman,Navjot aims to acquire different qualities of her role models. She looks up to Swami Vivekananda for motivation, learns how to fly with roots under the soil from the life of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, wants to imbibe how to be passionate and patriotic from Bhagat Singh and is inspired by the qualities of determination fromThomas Edison and Napoleon Bonaparte. Navjot has a younger brother and her mother is a homemaker.
“I aim to become an asset for those who believe in me. I am also thankful to all my teachers,especially my class teacher Mrs Savita, for believing in me, for helping me at every instance and correcting me whenever I was wrong,” says Navjot, who takes a deep interest in public speaking and is a keen observer of nature. In her free time, she likes to paint nature in its colourful hues.