Name : Ayyathurai Konar
District & State : Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Category : Herbal products
Award : Consolation
Award Function : 2nd National Grassroots Innovation Awards
Award Year : 2002
Innovation Description
Shri. Ayyathurai Konar (81years), learnt various healing practices from his grandfather, Shri Veerappakonar. He has been practicing herbal healing for the part 30 years. He usually never charges for any treatment; however, he accepts whatever people pay for his services. Many of his herbal formulae and methods have been incorporated in the training manual designed for imparting training programme for veterinary doctors attached with Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Union. Though he is treating both human and animal diseases, animal treatments alone are being considered here. Herbal treatment for Mastitis (swelling and inflammation in udder): This is a disease noticed more often in cross breed animals yielding more milk. With knowledge acquired from his father, Ayyathurai Konar first tried `kundrimani’ (Abrus precatorius) and `thaivelai’ (Cleome gynandra) but without satisfactory results. In the traditional method of treatment of mastitis, `peipeerku’ (Luffa acutangula var. amara) leaf had been advocated. Therefore he used Peipeerku leaf for external application and found it very successful. For any poisonous bite, usually the root of `thalaisuruli’ (Aristolochia indica) is administered. Therefore, he got the idea of using this root for mastitis also. He combined both external application of `peipeerku’ and internal administration of `thalaisuruli’ and got effective results. Developing herbal formula for diarrhoea in sheep/goat/ calves: He noticed that the affected animals have been grazing a particular herb called `thaivelai’ (Cleome gynandra). By carefully noticing this, he tried this herb for diarrhoea and found it useful. Instant remedy for nosebleed in cattle: Bleeding from the nostrils is a common ailment among draught animals. The abnormal condition known as epistaxis is often preceded by loud snoring. Bullocks as well as cows and buffaloes frequently suffer from heavy bleeding from the nose, particularly when over-exerted. Ayyathurai’s father used to treat animals suffering from epistaxis with soodu. The treatment consisted of branding the nose with a burning stick taken from a fully matured branch of `vidathalai’ (Dichrostachys cinerea) On seeing the pain of suffering animal, started looking for a painless herbal remedy. This he found in `kandangathiri’ fruits (Solanum surattense). Over the years, he has perfected the herbal nasal drops to treat epistaxis. Preparation: He cuts 20 mature fruits of Solanum surattense and add it to 200 ml goat’s urine. The content is transferred into a fresh mud pot. He closes the mouth of the pot using a piece of extra-coarse cloth and keeps this under compost pit for five days and let it ferment. The filtrate is kept in a bottle and ten ml drops of this medicine poured in both the nostrils of the animal. This is believed to stop the bleeding instantly. He has successfully treated almost 1000 animals with the solution and has found that branding is no more necessary to cure cattle of nosebleed. Recently, an animal suffering from chronic epistaxis was brought to him. It had been abandoned by many veterinarians as uncurable. The nasal drops developed by Ayyathurai reportedly