Seed Scatterer

Name : Dharmendra Patidarimg_0047

District & State :  Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh

Category : Agricultural (General)

Award :   National

Award Function :   2nd National Grassroots Innovation Awards

Award Year : 2002

Innovation Description

1a5fcaf4aec529579ef850367e8435c2-725_340x180Dharmendra Patidar (17 years), is a student of science. While helping out in the farm, he found that hand broadcasting of seeds and manure resulted in wastage. When he visited a science fair, he thought of preparing a device for uniform distribution of seeds. One of his friend Suresh Jat helped him developing this implement. He got the idea of this innovation when he found that his father was not able to broadcast fertilizer granules uniformly. He got help from his teacher Shri G.L. Dhangar to persist with the idea. Using his own skills, he finally developed the seed scatterer.

A tinned cylindrical container is cut from the center and a rotor with metal blades is fitted to it. The rotor is attached to a motor driven by battery power from torch. Regulator is attached to a fan and a scattering machine. The quantity of seed or fertilizer scattered can be regulated with it. Seeds are fed into the machine from top. The implement weighs 800 g and costs Rs 280. A motor of tape recorder can also be used for dispersing the seeds.

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