‘Trees are the Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven’ – Rabindranath Tagore
Trees make Earth a habitable place for humans. Trees fulfill the most essential need of humans i.e. Oxygen. Apart from that trees clean soil, air and water. Currently, it is estimated that at least 11,000 tree species are threatened with extinction in the wild. This means at least 19% of tree species are at risk of being lost forever and with them the services they provide people and the planet.[1] Therefore, conserving ‘trees’ is the need of the hour.
Today, several individuals are working towards ‘saving trees’. One such notable girl is 11-Year-old ‘Neha Kushwaha’ who is running an inspirational campaign of planting trees in the loving memory of ancestors. Neha’s conservation journey started 5 years back on March 7, 2015 under the guidance of her teacher Manish Kumar. Till date, she has planted 2348 plants under her plantation drive, which are contributing immensely in producing pure air for all.
In the initial phase, under the guidance of teacher Manish Kumar and “Plantation in memory of ancestors” campaign, she planted saplings only in one corner of her field. During her journey, she has spread awareness in several villages about planting trees. She explains people that about 4 quintals of wood is used when a body is burnt. This emits about 734 kg of carbon dioxide (CO²) contributing to global warming (global heating), also this is approximately 60% more than other greenhouse gases. While a tree absorbs 1000 kg of carbon dioxide during its lifespan, therefore, she says it is necessary to plant a plant in memory of that dead soul after burning a corpse for equilibrium.
After being persuaded by Neha, some people got inspired and bypassed the orthodox ideology and agreed to plant the vacant cremation ground, while some agreed to plant elsewhere in memory of their ancestors. She also provided free saplings to the people with the help of their guide teacher Manish Kumar. She continues running her campaign and making people aware through all kinds of social forums.
IP4kids, a CSR initiative of S.S. Rana & Co., would like to applaud her for her inspirational efforts towards protecting the environment and are glad to be a part of her journey by helping her protect her IP rights.
[1] https://www.bgci.org/our-work/plant-conservation/tree-conservation/