Tractor mounted combine harvester with straw collector

Name : Rajpal Singh Narwariya705232_innovator

District & State :  Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh

Category : Agricultural (General)

Award :   Consolation

Award Function :   9th National Grassroots Innovation Awards

Award Year : 2017

Innovator Profile

797032_innovation-1Rajpal (38), a farmer and a passionate innovator working on the development of farm machineries, has developed a tractor mounted, power take off (PTO) powered combine harvester, which also has the provision of collecting the straw. His machine is a low cost one as compared to available alternatives.

32_innovation-3Born in a farming family, Rajpal is the eldest of seven siblings. He did not continue studies after higher secondary and took up farming to help his father. With the main occupation of the people in his village being farming, his interest naturally grew in farming and in the machines used for various farming operations. His other interests include sculpture making and painting for which he has won many awards as well. He is married and settled with his wife and five children.

His life’s journey has been a mix of ups and downs. Since the family had financial problems, he used to make his own toys and for his siblings using the waste material available. Rajpal recalls having made a wind mill and fan arrangement which could bring outside fresh air inside the house. He liked studying but could not continue due to financial problems, then again in many of his technical projects, arranging finance was difficult, and many of his ideas, remained at the idea level only. Notwithstanding problems, with time his interest in solving problems of farmers and for women farm workers by developing low cost technologies increased. His family has been always supportive of all his endeavours, which he greatly appreciates. He says his journey has been tough but at the same time very exciting and great learning experience for him.

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