Oxygen_Carbon Dioxide Level Indicators in Car

Name : Pratyush Kumar Sahoo, Bikash Kumar Mallickindicatorsincar

District & State :  Khurda, Orissa

Category : Engineering

Award :   ignite

Award Function :   IGNITE 2013 Awards

Award Year : 2013

Innovation Description

  • IPR Status

What’s the idea:

accarbon_innSystem to detect levels of oxygen/ carbon dioxide and open windows when oxygen level drops or carbon dioxide level rises, thereby preventing accidental deaths of children or pets locked inside the car.

Pratyush plays basketball and computer games. He also reads story books, does painting and plays keyboard. He wants to become an IAS officer. Bikash, who also plays basketball, believes that he has the capacity to break a bigger problem into small ones and then solve them. He is also a wannabe IAS officer and mentions that, ‘success is not something one is born with, rather it is something one has to strive for.’


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