Name : Subash Chandra
District & State : Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu
Award : upto class 8th
Award Function : IGNITE 2015 Awards
Award Year : 2015
Innovation Description
IPR Status
Subash has developed a solar powered seed drill, which can undertake plantation for different size of seeds at variable depth and space between two seeds.
Born into a farming family, Subash understands the challenges faced by farmers.
“Among other challenges, labour scarcity for ploughing, sowing seeds and harve sting is a major issue. One day, while I was sowing seeds, I imagined an eco-friendly seed drill, which can address the issue of labour shortage,” says Subash.
The machine has a seeding unit, which has a hopper filled with seeds. There is a wooden roller on which holes are drilled. When the seeds fall from the unit on to the wooden roller, it will transfer the seeds to connected hoses and transfer them to the ground.
“I want to become a scientist in the field of nature and agriculture and preserve organic farming. I would like everyone to understand the importance of nature and agriculture,” says Subash, who likes to read books about agriculture and spend time farming. He also writes poems and takes a keen interest in spreading social awareness about nature.
His inspiration for organic farming is Dr Sultan Ahmed— a vermi com post specialist and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.