Name : Durlabh Singh Puri
District & State : Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Category : Agricultural (General)
Award : State
Award Function : 7th National Grassroots Innovation Awards
Award Year : 2013
Innovation Description
- Technical Specification
Durlabh Singh Puri (55) is a photographer and an innovator. He has modified a hamam (water heater) such that one can get warm water at different temperatures. Born to an engineer in Punjab Irrigation Department, Durlabh was an average student with an interest in science. While television and radio were his childhood fascination, he also had interest in electronics, gardening, photography, painting, listening ghazals and classical music. Since he had a good technical sense, his friends and even teachers used to take his help in case there was some problem in any instruments in the science laboratory. He had drug reaction when he was in class 10 due to which he developed some issues with his vision in his left eye and also had to be bedridden for a year. Thereafter, he joined ITI and started working in a repair shop. After a year, he started a workshop of his own. Meanwhile, he also developed interest in plants and environment and attached himself to various environmental initiatives. Due to a spondylitis attack he could not continue his workshop and took up photography, his childhood hobby as the profession. In his family, he has his wife who is a teacher and a son, who suffers with cerebral palsy.