Name : Bharatbhai Agrawat
District & State : Junagadh, Gujarat
Category : Agricultural (General)
Award : National
Award Function : 7th National Grassroots Innovation Awards
Award Year : 2013
Innovator Profile
Bharatbhai (47) runs agricultural equipment workshop. Despite having studied only till only class tenth, through sheer hard work he has achieved a lot of respect and admiration of people because of his innate creativity. He is a serial innovator who has developed many useful tools, devices and implements. He derives inspiration for his work from his father, Amrutbhai Agrawat, himself a well-respected innovator. His father was a pujari in temple and used to do machine repairing in his village. He then started making doors, boxes for granaries and iron gates. Bharat started helping his father in repairing items since he was in 6th standard. He is an environmentalist and understands the need of utilizing natural resources to generate energy in an efficient and eco-friendly way to power different applications or optimally use existing resources.