Multiutility Fuel-Efficient Stove

Name : Mr. S. J. Joejoe---11

District & State :  -1, Kerala

Category : Engineering

Award :   National

Award Function :   1st National Grassroots Innovation Awards

Award Year : 2001

Innovation Description

joe---15Mr. S.J Joe has 32 years of experience as an Industrial electrician as well as in the fields of air conditioning and refrigeration and solar equipment. Aged 56, he pursues experiments to develop difficult devices using his experience in heat exchange theory and practice. Called Multi-utility stove, it is also smoke-free. The stove has a burner, boiler and water regulator etc. In its operation, the loss of energy is minimal and cooking can be done for 14 hours in one litre kerosene. This domestic product has great social economic significance. It meets the requirements of the times by means of Fuel Efficiency & Economy. Maximum utilization of kerosene is possible. It is fuel efficient as soft blue flame floating above burner burns off kerosene completely. It is smoke free and vapour free. Heat lost on the sides is absorbed by a built in boiler from which hot water or steam can betapped simultaneously during cooking. Steam generated can be used for cooking Idlies, steam cakes etc. Thus this burner cum boiler makes maximum possible use of heat energy & there by kerosene. The stove possesses an inbuilt water jacket for steam Generation. This jacket Has been subjected to 2 times atmospheric pressure & has been found safe for operation, thus stove facilitates 14 hrs. of cooking per liter of kerosene. This stove can be made available in single, double & multi burner units depending on requirements.

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