Name : Tarna Joy
District & State : Dhalai, Tripura
Award : upto class 8th
Award Function : IGNITE 2015 Awards
Award Year : 2015
Innovation Description
IPR Status
Eleven-year-old Tarna has given the idea of an umbrella, which could be held by two children from two sides under which other children can stand and thus go to school together without getting drenched.
Whenever it rained, Tarna and his schoolmates walked to school under a shared umbrella as most students in his village could not afford to buy their own umbrella.However, most students who shared the conventional umbrella got fully drenched by the time they reached school. This problem, faced by many students on a regular basis, made Tarna think of a large umbrella, which can be held from two sides by students so that many children can share one umbrella without getting drenched.
Tarna likes to read, draw, play football and other local games in his free time. His father is a farmer and mother is a home maker. Tarna has three sisters and four brothers.