Watch With Medicine Delivery System

Name : Vaishnavi Patra 8180vaishnavi

District & State :  Khurda, Orissa

Award :   Class 9th – 10th

Award Function :   IGNITE 2015 Awards

Award Year : 2015

Innovation Description

IPR Status

1211watch_with_medicineA large number of people, especially the old, who are prescribed medication, forget to take it them on time. Two students—Navjot and Vaishnavi—have individually suggested the idea of a watch, which can store and timely deliver the appropriate dose of medicine to the person.

For VaishnaviPatra, it was her own experience of forgetting to take medicines whenever she was unwell, which inspired her to innovate.

She has suggested a computerised wristwatch with slots on the strap. The slots will be rectangular-shaped pockets that will hold the tablets and the screen on the dial will show the time to take these medicines. The watch will alert the user through beeps when it is time to take the medication and also when the slots need to be refilled.

Vaishnavi lives with her father, an assistant general manager at a company, mother, who is an entrepreneur and a younger sister.

She enjoys performing contemporary dance and likes to play basketball. “I want to become a psychiatrist and help teenagers and adolescents facing a difficult time,” says Vaishnavi.

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